Sunday, January 28, 2007

The fans,so mani people.

The 933 DJ =)

I love the big big banner on the stage :D

When they are on the stage..

Ella (:

Selina (:

Hebe (:

Autograph time~

The 3 prettaye : ella,hebe,selina (:

Autograph,orange booklet.

Autograph,pink booklet.
I was feeling sleepy now ~!
Wake up around 5.30am today?
And after dat around 9am i met huiyan at tampiness mall.
& we took a cab to bishan junction 8 for S.H.E roadshow (:
While,i dun support S.H.E lah.
I mean i am not a realli crazy fan as compared to huiyan,seriously.
But since she accompanied me to superstar roadshow on saturday,
i accompanied her to S.H.E roadshow too ;D
U see,i am not a bad guy rite.
Reached junction 8 around 11plus?
Hey,the roadshow starts at 3pm ok.
But as wad we can see,
hell lots of people were down dere wif a long 'q'
So we decided to just buy mac ice-cream and fries,
and we join the 'q' too :D
It was such a boring time lah.
I was feeling real sleepy,
and we waited for 4 hrs? hahahaa.
And suddenly all the crowd stood up,
so we stood up and all started to move forward.
Oh well,we r slowly on our way to the top of the 8 (:
We stand like around half to one hour?
It was realli tiring,the crowd is not moving.
So i decided to sit down to rest first.
A moment later,the crowd moved again.
So is like each time it moved,it onli takes a few steps and it stopped.
And tis proces just goes on and on and on.
But slowly,we reached the top of the 8 :D
Feeling excited,cuz it will be the first time i will be seeing S.H.E in real person !
Oh man,alot of people.
We are quite at the back,
but i still can see lah ;D
Alrite,e DJ came and host and cameras were all around.
Some realli tall person is infront of mee and i need to tip-toe in order to take foto.
& to have a look at wads happening on the stage.
Each and every single second past,
S.H.E arrived.
Shouting,screaming,cheering..IS JUST SUPER HIGH
Compared to project superstar roadshow,
the crowd is not like even one quarter of the S.H.E crowd.
Seriously,singapore cnt compare to other country singers.
Somehow,i tink taiwan had alot of talented singers (:
They sing 2 songs lah,
and the fans were also singing.
It is dam high and fun.
Alrite,autograph time.
I didn't bought the cd though,cuz i alr told u i am not a big fan of them.
But i help my cousins fren to sign the dvd.
So we had a hard time queing for the autograph of S.H.E
People squeezing each other,pushing each other.
But while,everything goes on smoothly though.
And when the time i was in the front row,
suddenly there was a break to let S.H.E have some rest?
Hahaha,so after about 5 mins.
The autograph sessions continues.
Oh man,i just cnt believe it.
S.H.E is like so near infront of mee,
and i shake hebe's hand. (:
The feeling is like OH-SO-SO shiock.
After signing the poster,
then i went home.
Met taiyang on the bus when i am on my way home.
Taiyang,tmr is ur birthday.
So i'm here to wished u a happi early birthday :D
Gtg to sleep,byebyeeee.
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Me and huiyan

The big poster and 2 beautiful faces of daren and diya =)

Interview,i am sure the girl is gonna be on tv lah.How i wish the person could interview mee :(

U see,so mani people !

Superstars on the bus.

A random foto when daren is goin up to the bus.

Autograph time ~

How i wish i can have dimples like daren.

Cuifang,diya & daren :D

Top 2 finalist - diya and daren.

When they were goin up to the stage..

Coming down..sheila,maxi and carrie

Followed by kenny,lesheng.wenhai and jon (:

Tian ming yao following behind,omg his hair is realli scary like worms !

All the previous project superstar contestants (:

The previous female contestants.

Followed by the male contestants.

The superstar blogger - angie (:

The host - cui fang (:
Total exhaustion,just came back frm bugis junction for top 2 roadshow (:
It was like great.
Everyone shouted like realli crazy for their idols.
Met huiyan around 12pm in tampiness mall,
together we took mrt to bugis.
Reached fountain area around 1pm,
onli a few people were dere so we were around the 2nd row?
Yea,so we chat alot and also to take fotos to kill our time.
Time past and more and more people arrived.
We saw 5 youths playing uno cards while waiting for the superstars to arrived.
They occupied too much space lah,
so we decided not to waste that particular space.
So me and my cousins decided to just squeeze through some stuff which i dunoe hw to explained.
And we manage to squeeze through it and we r in the first row !
Woottss~ soooo funny lah. ahhahaa.
And infront of me is just the STAIRS so i tink all superstars will walked passed mee.
The roadshow is gonna start at around 2pm.
But it dragged all the way like around 2.30pm,
the superstar was late -.-
But while,forget it then.
I saw alot of superstars and alot of them screamed and shouted.
Cameras were all around lah.
The superstars walked pass meee,like OMGG~
Realli high can,saw alot of fans shouting for their favourites.
But while,i dun support anione of them but to just go for fun.
How i wished nathaniel will be the finalist :(
Alrite,the other contestants went up to the stage first and gave some encouragement to the top 2 finalists,
and some sort of cheers.
The moment we r waiting for,
the top 2 finalists!
Hahaha,they told us how tis few days they were busy wif.
And which performance they r most worried bout.
Because the top 2 finalist is gonna perform 5 different performance in singapore indoor stadium.
They r most worried bout the fast song wif dance i tink?
But best of luck to them ;D
Alrite,heard dat daren tis few days were veri stressed.
Relax daren,u can do it. OH COME ON
After dat we had autograph session,
too bad me and huiyan didn't bought ani of their cds.
So we had a hard time getting out and we went shopping !
hahahaha,huiyan is gonna buy me a daren cd tmr.
We went to do alot of stuff lah,dam fun.
And we even went back to tampiness mall to shop.
After a moment,we were feeling tired.
We decided to go home.
Yeah,tmr goin S.H.E autograph session wif huiyan.
Gonna shake hand wif S.H.E during autograph session lah =)

Some shots before we went home.

say cheessseeee (:


The lights dat lighted up the darkness.

All of us,spot meee ! (:

The prefects :D

Kelly,me and rachel [the lucky birthday girl ;D]

The candles

benjamin,zhaoyuan,varian,miss ida,meee wif the light stick (:

another shot please.

Hey miss ida,wad r u trying to do ?
Sec 1 orientation campfire was great :D
I am sure everyone had such a great time isn't it?
Was realli excited,
because all of our hardwork is just gonna show it off tonite.
From december camp planning bonding games wif sec 1s,
frm teaching the sec 1s cheers and of cuz sec 1 orientation.
Getting scolded so mani times.
I am sure we learn frm all the sessions,
and improve on it everytime after debrief (:
After sku,i went home to rest.
Gonna make sure i will have the full energy for the campfire nite.
Hahhaa,while after briefing.
Parents started to arrived and we lead them to their seats.
A moment later,principal the guest of honoured arrived.
Opening speech as usual,
light up the fire and the campfire is offically launched.
Gonna be crazy wif the sec 1s.
And seriously,i had never though of parents paticipating in the campfire.
But while,everyone seems to be realli enthusiastic.
Sec 1s were realli high,
is not as stiff & solid while we were bonding wif them in the klassroom.
While,the campfire mood is dere.
Principal leading the parents,and prefects leading the sec 1s.
The sec 1s also put up a great performance yea?
So proud of my sec 1 klass who got the best campfire performance.
Good job guys ~
After the campfire ended,
we had debrief.
Taking group photos and the teachers were like dam dissapointed wif our performance though.
But later it asked us whether is our performance is lousy.
Everyone disagreed,
and suddenly the teacher shouted U DID EXCELLENT!
And yeah,our emotions had been affected a little atfirst.
But now it seems to be realli high and everyone screamed.
Realli satisfied wif our performance,
hardwork is being paid off.
After dat,while is just out of a sudden.
A surprise came out,BIRTHDAY CAKE ~
Everyone sang birthday song to rachel,
oh well is rachel birthday!
I am sure rachel dun even tink of tis situation to happen rite,
haha..must be realli touch ehh?
U r such a oh-so-so lucky girl lah :D
So mani presents and birthday cards.
Had been picking up litters around the school hall,
after clearing up the hall.
Home sweet home ~
I am realli happi and satisfied wif our performance.
Everything went soo smoothly and good.
While,it ended up in a wonderful fullstop.
Everything is ended,
now we gonna be realli concentrating wif our studies. (: